Three IGE members met about 4 "interested public" attendees at the annual Palisades Nuclear Power meeting in May down at South Haven [fortunately in my Prius Hybrid, at almost $4 a gallon, no expense account like Some get]. We were impressively assured that the aging embrittled plant "is operating safely" during the 30 minute presentation by 4 Nuclear Regulatory Commission employees before the 4 "suits-and-briefcases" [Site VP, Site Plant Manager, and 2 D.C. based men] left the question-and-answer public comment time. Public questions concerned: *Tritium-contaminated "non-drinking" ground water. What is non-drinking water in our inter-connected world? What environmental and human results? What is -- or can be --done to 'clean' it, or 'dispose' it? *What about waste cask #4 with the crack, the unremovable welded bolts and stuck cover-wedges for 15 years now? IF transportable casks are invented -- after over half-a-century -- how will they be filled with the highly-radioactive further deteriorated assemblies? *Why were there no microphones for quiet-spoken speakers to be heard by elderly citizens? *Why the intermission, 'practically inviting audience to leave before public comments?' *Why the informative slides, though read aloud, were shown too fast to be read and absorbed? [ on request we were given printouts of the slides, available at their table by the entry door.] *What about the violation of their own earthquake standards on the shore of Lake Michigan, which did have a tsunami in 1811, and sits on our unique liquifying/fluidizing sand? *How can pinhole corrosions of pipes, valves and parts be accurately monitored and replaced in the now-60 licensed years of the 30-year-engineered facilities? *WHAT ABOUT THE DEADLY RADIOACTIVE WASTES, both during operations, leaks, accidents, terrorism, natural catastrophes [China, Myanmar, New Orleans, etc.] and 'permanent disposal'? There are at least 30 dry casks [none tested to destruction] on site, each holding the equivalent of 250 Hiroshima bombs of hazardous radioactivity with half-lives up to 4.5 Billion years, and only 70 miles upwind of Grand Rapids? And without one 'disposal' site such as the highly-questioned Yucca Mountain, or transportable casks, which would require transfer, transport, monitoring, site-labels, managing, etc.etc. 'forevermore'? "You [all] should be listening to the serious sincere concerns of these commentors"......"sending an answer later privatizes it to that individual, not this audience, nor the media." Some of the questions that did not get asked: *Why is there a 'revitalization' of ANY inherently deadly nuclear industry, with a conservative Presidential candidate advocating at least 500 new nuclear plants, some others asking for 5 a day into the future as a false 'solution' choice for global warming when sustainable alternatives are inevitable and ready, as well as our conserving and cutting our energy needs by half. What about the considered halting of municipal water system flourides -- a convenient use of by-product nuclear reprocessing? What about front-to-back NO NET GAIN from nuclear power? What about U.S. use of DU [Depleted Uranium] weaponry and human effects in war areas. including our own sickened troops and their children? The [boring/scarey ?!] meeting will be broadcast in June or July on Speaking Out: Grand Rapids and Global Issues on channel 25 on Mondays at 8:30 pm, Wednesdays at 3:30pm and Fridays at 10 am, and on WKTV on Wednesdays at 10am. Another question, Why was the Calvin January Speaker a nuclear CEO, and not a debate including expert activists? To his "pray and work"advice I would add "Stop the both obsolete and premature nuclear uses." ASK YOUR OWN QUESTIONS ! and please let us know. Contact U.S.NRC, phone 301-415-8200, email or NRC Reps Christine Lipa, Branch Chief, at [630]829-9619 or John Ellegood, Senior Resident Inspector at [269] 764-8971. Or call me. Onward - adelante/allons in peacism - namaste/heiwa/paz/salaam/shalom/mir Corrine