We owe much to the members of Don't Waste Michigan who have passed on.

Mary SinclairPhD. and founder. Mary was a great communicator and helped save Michigan from becoming a nuclear dump site for five other states. This was called "The Midwest Compact". Mary effectively met with the press, state legislature and environmentalists to change history. Without people like Mary, Michigan would have become a nuclear wasteland. Mary also fought for safety standards in nuclear reactors, and for the air and water quality of her hometown, Midland Michigan against the problems with contamination from Dow Chemical.

Eunice HendricksEducator and steadfast activist who attended many meetings and protests, tirelessly writing letters to end the problems caused by nuclear and chemical contamination. She also got legislation to provide environmental education and 'green spaces' in the public schools. Eunice was a gentle soul who could fight endlessly to make a better world. 

William 'Bill' Hirt- Bill and his wife Alice were on the Board of Directors of Don't Waste Michigan and helped organize and join in many campaigns to draw attention to the problems associated with nuclear waste, and to work to protect the Great Lakes. They lived on the beautiful shore of Lake Michigan, on a bluff where you could see the beautiful blue lake span out into the distance. This was a constant reminder of what great treasure was at stake. For decades, the Hirts contributed greatly and generously to the environmental movement, including getting an injunction from a Federal Judge to stop the shipment of deadly plutonium through Michigan. 

Corinne Carey-life long educator and TV producer for the Grand Rapids public access station. Corinne was also on the Board of Directors for decades, and was involved in all aspects of the peace movement and to end nuclear proliferation and war. Her show was called "It is my World" and her work will be added to the historical archives of the University of Michigan. Corinne filmed and attended many peace and anti-nuclear protests through the years, and her cheerful, indomitable presence will long be missed by everyone who knew her

It is with sincere gratitude that the group of Don't Waste Michigan remembers our beloved comrades who have helped to protect the beautiful state and great lakes that we so treasure and call our home.
You are not forgotten.