Song of the Survivors
by Michael Gramlich, an atomic Vet
Do not
"sanitize" the bomb;
the bomb is a thing of terror:
of the memories of charred and
burning human flesh,
vaporized saints and sinners,
dark-scorched outlines
on shattered walls.......
It is the terror of ex-military men
who witnessed the Bomb
in above-ground tests
and (who) saw the very Gates of Hell
torn open
in incandescent ,roiling fury......
it is their quiet torment
and the agony of their families
as their bodies wasted away
before the cancers, leukemias,
and supportations of living flesh.....
it is the horror of people
living "downwind"
from the Bomb's radioactive slavering,
of the mothers and fathers
watching the inexorable-----
and so unnecessary--
deaths of their children;
it is compounded in the desperate hope
of grandmothers
that their grandchildren
would be born
alive and normal....
It is the anger of those
who trusted
those in political and military power
and who have reconciled
their own shattered genes,
casting their survival
to the ash-heap-glowing
of nuclear reality......
It is the horror of children
and people
burned beyond recognition
and it is the horror
of the potential
"reincarnation" of that grisly-ness...
It is the quiet desperation
of the homeless
and the helpless
as monies go to feed instead
the growing Horror:
the potential annihilation-
of the human race,
of the biosphere,
of the planet itself...
I ask you,
"Do not sanitize the Bomb"
with cartoons and diagrams
and models.
Rather, make
the horror of its reality
known to all the world.
--m. gramlich
at Last Vegas, Nev.
(American Peace Test headquarters),
4/7/89 11:50 p.m.
(c) photos and journal 2001 May
by Kathy Barnes and Life
with Haiku and other poems
~Dedicated to Michael Gramlich and all the atomic vets and all the other people hurt by the nuclear monster~
And dedicated to those who gather their courage to pray and protest and strive for a non-nuclear world
When you have finished exploring this website,
Please save it to your favorites to return and then check out the December 2001 protest in Chicago against the nuclear industry
Freedom of Expression and Nuclear Oppression
Heat of desert sun~
Patterned shadows of soft color

Fall like paper cranes
We walk and drum in the wind
With the darkness at our backs
Where atom bomb blasts of a thousand suns
The destroyer of worlds
Blasted into the sky
Peace protestors come to make a statement
How secure is this place of atomic destruction?
Runners are everywhere, surprising "security"
There was no water in the pen for the peace prisoners
Only the desert sun, heat, and an outhouse........
After being detained for hours, would you want to escape too?
A non violent resistance
In the sun
Holding our anger in
Keeping our peace
Praying and
The Creator knows
Trucks anonymously un inscribed
Cylinders and squares and drilling rigs
To sacrilegiously drill and corrupt
The sacred mountains
The sacred earth
With the after effects
Of an insane age of nuclear madness
What would the number be?
The victims of the nuclear monster--
Uranium miners, scientists, atomic vets, radiation experiment victims, down-winders, rad waste haulers,
construction/destruction crews, gamblers and shiners, movie stars, recycled rad metal jars, prison bars, children, Chernobyl children, (Un)depleted uranium bomb victims, rads with wind and dust into the lungs of lizards who have never told their story, uncounted, unnumbered victims
of the nuclear demon~~~
what would the number be?
the NTS could not contain all the crosses
The desert sun
The desert wind
The valley could hold
A million solar panels
A million wind generators~~~~
The light of the sun

And the dance of the wind
Lightyears preferable to toxic radiation
It would be better if
You had never known the truth
Than to fall away from it
I tried to call you brother
I tried to call you friend
You chose one side
I chose another
You are still my brother
Will you ever be my friend ?
Will the stones remember we were here
To fight the nuclear monster
With our love
Peace said the Earth Mother
I will give you peace for your gifts
In the cool places
Friends speak
Clear headed
At the door of the sun
I've got the atomic cafe blues
The lizard waits for supper
At the gate of dawn
Skittering on
I follow
The orange flecks of color on its sides
Blend into the traveling desert
I've got the atomic cafe blues
Too many rads unleashed their destructive fury
Lizards scout for food scraps
(c) 2001 Reflections, a poem by Kathy Barnes
Click on the Red Sun
Chicago Protest 2001
© DWMI website pages, Kathryn Barnes
Total War or Total Disarmament?
Hiroshima, 100,000 dead.
The bomber named the plane
after his mother, Enola Gay.
Icon of mother and son
unleashed the power of the sun
on civilians populations.
US military leaders
didn't want the war in Asia to end
until their new weapon was used.
After all, they had just spent
$2 billion to develop the ultimate
weapon and needed a human
testing ground for their investment.
Filled with revenge for attacking
Pearl Harbor, with the bomb exploded
they could show the Soviet Union
its new imperialistic megaton muscle.
Truman lied when he announced
the first atomic bomb target
was not a city, but a military base.
He must have know
bombing civilian populations
was against the Geneva convention.
The bomb was the total weapon
for a total war.
It was America's final solution.
For decades, US government
censored film footage of the land
that it killed on that sunny day.
The land of the free
didn't want the world public
to see what their Little Boy had done.
How different were suffering images from
Auschwitz than from images of Hiroshima?
Both represented crimes against humanity.
And so begun the Cold War against the USSR
that put nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert.
America became the first World Empire
founded on thousand of nuclear bombs.
It became a rich nation even though
it failed to provide all citizens with
health care, education, and housing,
becoming the world's largest
proliferater of nuclear weapons.
If only these weapons were buried
with the ashes of the candle corpses
glowing eternally in the dark.
If only the wisdom of Albert Einstein
was heeded and a supranational organization
formed to protect the world from splitting atoms!
The possibility of poisonous
mushrooms clouds still haunt
our barbaric world.
Depleted uranium weapons
contaminate children in the Middle East.
Iraqi mothers birth children whose heads
look like a jellyfish.
Sub critical nuclear testing continues
to develop suitcase weapons in hopes
of sending Iran back to the Stone Age.
Consciousness of evil vaporize!
We don't want you any more!
Our creative energy is non-nuclear.
It says no to any kind of war!
Isn't it time now to move beyond the Nuclear Age?
Isn't it time to end the nuclear tyranny in Outer Space?
Isn't it time to use the sun's power in a positive way,
to use our solar energy to build a global
sustainable culture where world peace reigns?
The destruction of our sacred flesh and bones
by radioactive corruption is against the love force
that evolved beautiful life on this holy garden.
War Gods on Gaia,
your bombs are like volcanic
eruptions, tidal waves that can kill
hundreds of thousands of people.
Will humanity learn to control
the Poison Fire before
there is another World War?
Will we learn to love the planet before this
artificial consciousness melts the eyeballs
of both those who can and cannot see,
before it releases fireballs
that blinds the bumblebees?
Madonna mind,
there is no ascension for believers
in a species who goes extinct!
If your religion is universal love,
then I demand you to prove it!
Disarm this Christian nuclear nation state!
Be a leader of Lovolution. Turn the other cheek!
Create a yoga environment of inner peace.
Isn't this the Neutopian dream?
If you are sincere in conquering terrorism,
then dismantle your terrorist weapons.
It wasn't Sadaam Hussein who possessed
weapons of mass destruction. It was you!
You invaded Iraq for oil so that you could continue
your greedy lifestyle depended on the filthy automobile.
Look in the mirror and see beyond
the falsehood of your patriotic smiling grin.
Then you will find the kernel of truth that bombs
are no protection of the enemy of ignorance within.
Take Action! Stop Fermi 3: